Pingi moisture absorbers come in three sizes and can be ordered from our Shop
1. Moisture Absorbers – General Information

What are Pingi moisture absorbers designed for?
There are many situations where we encounter issues with unwelcome moisture and musty odours: in our wardrobes at home, in our cars, boats, caravans or any other enclosed spaces with little ventilation. Pingi moisture absorbers trap the moisture and will assist you in fighting these issues by reducing the relative humidity in enclosed spaces.
Where does the moisture come from?
Moisture is present in every home. Every day, litres of water are produced by the house’s residents (people and pets) through perspiration and exhalation. Everyday activities such as cooking, washing, showering and bathing also create moisture through evaporation. The average household produces about 10 to 15 litres of water per day. Other sources of moisture can include humid weather conditions and rising groundwater. Relative humidity of more than 65% will give rise to mould and damp problems. While in the open well-ventilated spaces of your home, there might be no problem, it is in the small enclosed areas without sufficient ventilation where problems arise. Please note that the Pingi moisture absorbers will not treat or remove the mould, they will help to reduce the moisture issues, particularly in enclosed areas.
In which ways are our moisture absorbers different to other dehumidifying products?
Pingi products are a revolutionary new way to dehumidify small damp spaces. Our Pingi moisture absorbers reduce the relative humidity of their surrounding environment, thereby combating the buildup of mouldy smells and mildew. Unlike other products, Pingi moisture absorbers can be used over and over again! Therefore, they represent a once-only investment – and a very modest one at that, leading to many years of enjoyment.
2. Use
Pingi moisture absorbers do not leak, so they can be placed anywhere indoors, in your cupboards, wardrobes, car, caravan, boat, or tool box etc. Please remember that Pingis should be kept away from grease, oil and liquid water. You can hang Pingi moisture absorbers between your clothing to keep them fresh and clean.
How many Pingi moisture absorbers would I need?
Depending on the air humidity (Pingi begins to work at approximately 50% humidity) and the size of the space, we advise you to utilise the following number of Pingis:
Spaces up to 3 cubic metres 1 x 150g Pingi Mini
Spaces up to 6 cubic metres 1 x 250g Pingi Bag
Spaces up to 10 cubic metres 1 x 450g Pingi XL
Of course it is possible to use more than one Pingi for larger spaces. If you choose to use only one, the frequency of recharging (in the microwave) will then need to be increased.
Do I need to remove the granules from the bag?
No, never cut the bag open. The bag allows moisture to pass through it. Do remove the box and other packaging materials before using Pingi moisture absorbers.
Do I need to refill the Pingi moisture absorbers?
No, absolutely not. Pingis contain silica gel pellets which are rechargeable once saturated through the microwave. You purchase a Pingi once. With normal use, a Pingi will last many cycles and can be regenerated many times.
Do I have to empty the Pingi between uses?
No, please check the penguin-shaped indicator on the front of the bag regularly. When it has turned fully pink you should recharge your Pingi. We advise not to recharge Ping moisture absorbers when the indicator is still blue.
3. Recharging
When do Pingi moisture absorbers need recharging?
Each Pingi has a penguin-shaped indicator that changes colour from blue to pink. When Pingi is saturated, the indicator will turn pink. This indicates the Pingi should then be recharged. We also recommend weighing your Pingi for the most accurate indication of when it is ready to be recharged. Early recharging may damage your Pingi. Each Pingi moisture absorber can absorb approximately 40% of its weight before it requires recharging in the microwave. The penguin-shaped indicator is a rough guide only and we strongly advise that you weigh your Pingi, and if its weight is 40% more than its original amount, then the Pingi is ready to recharge.
How do I recharge Pingi?
There are 2 methods of recharging a Pingi. We recommend recharging Pingis in a microwave, but it is also possible to recharge them in the sun which takes considerably longer. The following information relates to our recommended method of using the microwave at 600 Watts. First remove the strong bow and put the Pingi with the penguin indicator facing upwards on a plate (with folded kitchen pater underneath) into a fat and grease free microwave. As a general rule using the microwave, Pingi Minis take 3 minutes to recharge, Pingi Bags take 5 minutes and the Pingi XL should take 6 minutes followed by a cooling period of 5 minutes (outside the microwave), whilst the microwave is dried, and then Pingi XL should be inserted for a further 6 minutes. Then, let your Pingi cool down first for at least 5 minutes before using it again. We advise not to recharge Pingis when the indicator is still blue.
Can I recharge Pingis in a traditional oven?
No, unfortunately, this is not possible without damaging the product. If you do not have a microwave oven, you can recharge Pingi in the sun if necessary. This, however, will take much longer than in the microwave oven and does not offer optimal results due to the irregular heating.
What precautions do I take when recharging Pingi?
Never place the Pingi into the microwave when the indicator is blue or before it has reached its original weight + 40%. Make sure that your microwave oven is clean and grease free. We recommend placing Pingi into a clean microwave-safe plate. You can place a double-folded kitchen paper under your Pingi. The indicator should always be facing upwards when recharging.
Why does the penguin indicator have to face upward when I am recharging Pingi?
As the indicator needs to react to small changes in the humidity level, it is very sensitive to liquid water. When Pingi moisture absorbers are being recharged, drops of water may form beneath the product. If the indicator was to face downward, these drops could damage the indicator function.
Do I need to loosen the string when recharging Pingi?
In connection with the evaporation, we certainly recommend this. It should not be an issue, however, if you occasionally forget.
4. Safety
Is Pingi safe around children and pets?
Yes. Pingi moisture absorbers do not leak and do not cause aggressive chemical reactions (such as corrosion). If the bag containing the moisture-absorbing silica gel pearls breaks unexpectedly, the pearls will not harm your furniture or belongings. However, if the bag were to split, while the silica gel pearls are safe to ingest, it is safest to keep your children and pets away from the Pingis as they are not toys.

What should I do if a family member has swallowed the contents of Pingi?
After swallowing the contents of the product, rinse the mouth and drink generous amounts of water. Swallowing the contents of Pingi products (SiO2 pearls) is not likely to cause further negative health effects. The content is chemically stable and not flammable. Consult your physician for further advice.
The indicator on my Pingi product seems worn, can I still use the moisture absorber?
The indicator on your Pingi will show signs of wear and tear over time. This is normal. The product can still be used.
The indicator on my Pingi changes to pink very quickly. What can I do?
When this occurs, we suggest you weigh the Pingi to check the actual weight of the product. To see when Pingi is fully saturated and ready to be recharged, you can check the weight of your Pingi. When saturated, your Pingi will weigh approximately the sum of its normal weight and its absorption capacity, which is 40%. So if you own a Pingi Bag 250g with an absorption capacity of 100cc, the total weight when saturated will be +/-250 + 100= 350g or 250g x 1.4 = 350g.
The penguin indicator or Pingi itself shows various stains. What can be wrong?
The penguin indicator is very sensitive because it needs to react to small variations in humidity. When the indicator comes into contact with liquid water by accident, the indicator might start to show stains. Therefore, always recharge Pingi with the indicator facing upwards. Also, some microwave ovens are not properly ventilated. A small layer of condensation can form on the cloth. Please refrain from touching the indicator when it is moist to avoid damage.
In a microwave oven that is not cleaned well, there can be a layer of grease at the bottom. In contrast to water, this grease does not evaporate and will become very hot in the microwave oven where it touches the bag. This can leave damaging scorch marks or create a hole in the bag. Ensure that the microwave is clean before using, and we also advise recharging the Pingi moisture absorber on a piece of kitchen paper on top of a clean plate.
I have placed Pingi moisture absorbers in my parked camper/caravan, but the air remains musty. Why is this?
After being used for a season, a camper/caravan can get really moist inside. The mattresses, pillows and similar items can literally contain many litres of moisture. It is recommended to remove such items from the camper/caravan before parking it for the off-season. Before locking it up it is also strongly recommended to give the camper/caravan time to air, so the largest part of moisture can escape. After removing the mentioned items and allowing for proper ventilation, you can place 2 or more Pingi dehumidifiers inside, in particular the Pingi XL is ideally suited for these tasks. This same advice is relevant for use of Pingis inside boats.
Regional Australian posts on Pingi moisture absorbers:
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